Oracle JDK portable 7u80-2

Release of Oracle JDK portable 7u80-2 is now available. You can find links to download this release on the Oracle JDK portable page.

Skype portable

Release of Skype portable is now available. You can find links to download this release on the Skype portable page.

Portapps 1.22.1

Add RefreshEnv and SetPermEnv functions Switch to OpenJDK 11.0.2 Add wget build tool dependency Update libs

WhatsApp portable 0.3.2848-3

Release of WhatsApp portable 0.3.2848-3 is now available. You can find links to download this release on the WhatsApp portable page. portable 1.0.8-7

Release of portable 1.0.8-7 is now available. You can find links to download this release on the portable page.

VSCodium 1.33.1-18

A new Portapps app has been added to the collection ! VSCodium is a free and open source software binaries of VSCode without MS branding/telemetry/licensing.... [Read More]